Friday, June 27, 2014

Writing Challenge- Friday June 27, 2014

A child needs to do one thing over and over to calm him self down when the adults get angry. What does he do? How did he learn it? (Believe it or not this came from the book.)

This prompt is a little too close to home considering I have worked with many children as a teacher and I am not going to share any of their stories. As I was thinking about the normal tool we are taught as children, walk away, count to ten, write it down, I was considering what I would like to use with my own children.

I was thinking it might be fun to teach my child to sing the itsy-bitsy spider to calm down take their mind off whatever problem they are having.  I do not know who successful it will be but I is a verbal, visual, and kinesthetic way to calm down.  At home the child could even they sat when acting this way.  We would need to practice where would be appropriate places to do something like this in public.  (Let's be honest, fits are going to happen even with the best child, you might as well be prepared for the situation.)

A cute book cover!
This is just a coping mechanism that I thought of for this prompt.  It by no means would be the only thing I would use with my child.  I am constantly trying and brainstorming ways to help children learn academically and socially.  This is just an idea for tonight.  If I talked to you during the school year I might have something else I wanted to try. 

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