Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Writing Challenge July 8


Write a beginners guide to getting up in the morning.

Wake up! I know most of you hate theses words.  As I tell my dogs every morning, “I have to work, we have to eat.” Here we go…

**Hints** If you are not a morning person like me, spend some extra time the night before getting things ready for the next morning.  If you get into a routine this will go faster each night.

1.    Before you go to bed lay out your clothes for the next day- down to the underwear and shoes.
2.    Pack your work bags (school bags for the kids) set by the door and grab as you walk out.
3.    Put out non-perishable items that you might eat for breakfast on the counter.  Bowl for cereal- Ready to go.
4.    Pack as much of your lunch as you can and put it on the counter or in the refrigerator.  Have the other items you need to finish packing your lunch close together in the fridge so you can grab them and go.
5.    Don’t forget to set your alarm clock to give you enough time.

Set the clock early enough that you have time to shower, dress, eat breakfast, get the kids ready, make lunches, gather up all of your things, drive or take public transportation to your destination.  Start your day at a reasonable time so you are not frazzle when you enter your first meeting, sit down at your computer, or greet the children coming into your classroom ready to start the day. 

In the morning if you are still having lots of trouble waking up set an alarm clock across the room so you have to get up to turn it off.  One you are up you cannot go lay back down or back to sleep. Immediately get the caffeine started and get into the shower. (I use the shower as a tool to wake up in the morning.)  If this is not a good option for you go on a quick walk around your neighborhood, workouts, do some gardening, write, or read the paper. 

Whatever works for you but routine is the key. 

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