Friday, June 13, 2014

Writing Challenge June 13

Friday June 13
Would you rather win a Nobel Prize or be a rock star? Why?

The sensible part of me says  be a Nobel Peace Prize winner.  Discover something life changing for the world.  Maybe a cure to for some disease like HIV/Aids or Alzheimer's.  That would appeal to my sense of social duty, the civic servant juice that runs through my body. 

In my heart I would rather be a Rock Star.  As a Rock Star especially a really famous one you can use your name and money for different humanitarian projects.  Look at Bono from U2, he is in the news more for his humanitarian work than even his music.  The guy is giving back by using his influence to do something worth while all along he is getting to play music with his friends and have fun.  It seems that if you gave back being a rock star could be the best of both worlds.  I have always wanted to be a part of a charitable foundation, but I have never had the money. In my Rock Star World I could do both!

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