Monday, June 23, 2014

Summer Writing Challenge June 23-29

Summer Writing Challenge
June 23-29, 2014

Monday June 23 
Create your favorite sandwich (you can even include why it is your favorite and the special sauce recipe)

Tuesday June 24
Write from the perspective of a solider that is about to embark upon a mission that she knows is about to kill her. 

Wednesday June 25
Describe a newly invented product that will change your life. 

Thursday June 26
Write a case for your favorite fruit.

Friday June 27
A child needs to do one thing over and over to calm him self down when the adults get angry. What does he do? How did he learn it? (Believe it or not this came from the book.)

Saturday June 28
Think of an object that describes you.  Why and how does it describe you? 

Sunday June 29
Freewrite or catch-up Day

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